Clinical Research unit 208

Clinical Research Unit 208

Aetiology and Sequelae of Peridontal Diseases

The mathematical modeling and the numerical simulation of complex biological and biomechanical processes is a main challenge of the application and research areas in modern scientific computing. The development of sound models and simulation methods for these demanding real world applications lies in the center of the research activities of the group of Prof. Dr. R. Krause.

Within the Clinical Research Unit 208 we will focus on the biomechanical behavior of the periodontal ligament. This biological tissue is of crucial relevance for the transfer of the mechanical loading to the anatomical structures surrounding the teeth, i.e. the alveolar bone and the mucosal layer covering the alveolar bone.

Project 5: Numerical simulation of the periodontium 

Principal investigators: 

Prof. Dr. C. Bourauel
Oral Technology (OT)
Center of Dento-Maxillo-Facial Medicine,
Faculty of Medicine 
University of Bonn
bourauel (AT)

Prof. Dr. R. Krause 

The biomechanical behaviour of the periodontal ligament (PDL) is of crucial relevance for the transfer of the mechanical loading to the anatomical structures surrounding the teeth, i.e. alveolar bone, PDL and the mucosa covering the alveolar bone. Due to the complex structure of the PDL, a highly non-linear, anisotropic and time-dependent behaviour is to be assumed. It is the aim of this project to

  1. develop a closed mathematical representation of the multiphase, time-dependent constitutive law of the PDL, 
  2. develop robust and efficient discretisation techniques and parallel solution methods for the arising non-linear systems,
  3. apply these methods for biomechanical models of teeth and tooth supporting structures, and 
  4. validate the developed models using experimental biomechanical results and clinical studies.


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